Tuesday 17 May 2016

Delia is For Brexit

Delia is a closet Brexiteer, it has emerged. Read this from Delia Online about meringues:

"The proportion of sugar is always 50 g for each egg white. So, for 3 whites weigh out 175 g caster sugar onto a plate and have ready a clean, grease-free tablespoon."

She's obviously using the Brexit definition of 3 x 50 without reference to the rebate to sugar the pill. Not only that, but she neglects to tell you how long to cook the meringues for - a total lack of a plan.

It has been said that Hilter was fond of a meringue or two...

The Electoral Commission brochure for The Vote arrived in the post yesterday. I must say that based purely on visuals, which count so much today, the In Vote blurb looked more attractive than the Out Vote. The Out page was all in red, which has Loony Left connotations. Perhaps an unintentional marketing faux pas in an attempt at making it stand out.

Also the Out page was still using the discredited £350m a week figure. That goes against them, as it's the most easily verifiable figure and any basic search will show it up to be being economic with the actualité, as they say. It immediately makes you doubt the whole lot - the old lawyer's trick of homing in on the fallacy to discredit the entire testimony.

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